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Luscious Jackson

Jill Cunniff, Vivian Trimble, Kate Schellenbach, and Gabby Glaser

Luscious Jackson's first release In Search of Manny was the first non-Beastie Boys release on the young Grand Royal Records. In 1992, many Beastie Boys fans took the time to write to the PO box which was given inside of the Check Your Head liner notes. Those who did were sent the the lyrics to the album along with an order form with which they could get Grand Royal and Beastie Boys clothing as well as the In Search of Manny recording.

So from the very start, Luscious Jackson's primary following were Beastie Boys fans looking for something else to get into. When the word came out that Luscious Jackson's drummer Kate Schellenbach had been one of the original Beastie Boys, more interest swirled around LJ. In 1994, LJ released their sophomore album Natural Ingredients. This album sold well among Beastie Boys fans and also started to pull in fans that had no idea of the Beastie-Luscious Jackson connection. The album had three singles: "Here", "Deep Shag", and "City Song." LJ toured along with the Beastie Boys on the summer's Lollapalooza tour to support the record's release.

In 1996, Luscious Jackson hit paydirt with the catchy hit single "Naked Eye" off of their third record Fever In Fever Out. Gaining the band serious airplay on radio as well as on MTV with the concept video starring Max Perlich, "Naked Eye" went on to push record sales to 500,000 units certifying it gold.

Everyone who had been into Luscious Jackson from the start were very proud of group's success. It seemed everyone was becoming a Luscious Jackson fan. The band was making appearances on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, as well as David Letterman's Late Night. Yet it was not until LJ made a Christmas advertisement for GAP stores that it really struck home how popular the band had become.

This popularity was not enough to keep the band together though. Prior to making their fourth album, Vivian Trimble left Luscious Jackson to pursue other projects. Previously Jill and Vivian had made the Kostars' Klassics with a K album, so the prospect of a side project forming out of LJ was not a real scary event. After Vivian left, the remaining three ladies went on to make Electric Honey which was released in 1999.

Electric Honey was perhaps the best overall Luscious Jackson album since In Search of Manny. But even with a lengthy tour opening up for Smashmouth, the album did not sell well and a few months afterwards Luscious Jackson split up. As the news spread online, many of us realized how close we had gotten to Luscious Jackson. Even though initially we were only interested in them because of the fact Kate had been a part of the Beastie Boys from Polly Wog Stew through Cooky Puss, LJ had carved out its own niche and will be sorely missed.