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First Appearance: Real Men Don't Floss EP 1982
Written by: The Young and the Useless
Performed by: Art Africano (bass), Adam Trese (drums), Dave Scilken (acoustic guitar), Adam Horovitz
Production Notes: Recorded and mixed at Moogy Klingman's Hi-Five Studios, New York. Recorded by Tim Crich, mixed by Jay Dublee. Produced by Jay Dublee & T.Y.A.T.U.

Family & Friends:

"[I] recall them all debating the meaning to be called a homeboy...whether being called a homeboy was an insult or not. In the song it was decided that it was not going to be a diss." - Nick Cooper, 2003

Press & Print Media:

"The Beastie Boys and The Young and the Useless played gigs around Manhattan's punk cellars during the first eighteen months of the 1980s. Venues such as A7, CBGB's and Max's Kansas City provided them with their first footings in live performance." - excerpted from Rhyming & Stealing: A History of the Beastie Boys by Angus Batey

"The Young and the Useless had opened gigs for the Beasties on several occasions, and not only did Adam's [Horovitz] guitar style seem suitably rudimentary, his band had even covered some Beastie Boys songs, so he didn't require much tutelage." - excerpted from Rhyming & Stealing: A History of the Beastie Boys by Angus Batey

"When the 'Polly Wog Stew' EP finally came out on the Ratcage label in early 1982, the Beasties performed a few half-hearted 'reunion' gigs, until guitarist John Berry grew tired of the whole enterprise and left. Adam Horovitz's band, The Young and the Useless, were now calling themselves "the Beastie Boys copy band," so he was a natural replacement." - Record Collector, December 1998

Released Versions:
Live Versions: