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Gig Info:
Performance Date: 16 May 2004

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
Venue: Melkweg, The


Promotional show with limited capacity
Fan Review by Taco Zip:
When I heard about this gig, the first thing that came into my mind was "I MUST BE THERE!" I never saw the Beasties live before, only Adrock with BS2000. So the day the tickets went on sale, I got up at 3:30h and took my car to Amsterdam. I didn't know if it was going to be busy there, so after parking my car I walked to the Melkweg as fast as I could to check. There were about 30 people there, so if they would sell only 75 tickets like the story went, I would be safe. After some time King of Rock joined me, and after a long wait (time flied by the way, but still it was long) the doors finally opened. I got 2 tickets, the maximum amount you could buy. Other people who went to the post office to get more tickets were less lucky, they ended up with nothing. Fortunately, my girlfriend won two tickets with an sms contest, so me and two Dutch friends could go together, and Mullethead from Austria could also come over to see the Beasties.

Three days later it was finally Sunday! At daytime I fixed a dvd and cd with my remixes and AV megamix. I wanted to hand it over to them if I got the chance. At 1730h I picked up my friends and we drove to Amsterdam. The weather was very good. When we arrived at the Melkweg, there were only a few people sitting around. We walked to the entrance and made sure we were the first one to get in. Once I knew we were going to be up front I walked back to the car while my friends waited at the entrance, so I could get my LP box sleeve to get signed if I got the chance. At the entrance we met some board members. Romanpetr was there already. Later KapiteinJonz arrived, as well as King of Rock, Mullethead and Dr Spock.

19:00. Doors went open. We ran straight to the stage and we were the first ones. The stage was only 150 cm high and there was no barrier, so you could actually lean on the stage. We had to wait one more hour until the show began but with some beer that was no problem.

Finally it was 20:00. We were about to see the boys. Unfortunately, we had to wait another 20 minutes. It was worth the wait, finally Mix Master Mike came on the stage. He did the new intro with the Jam Master Jay rest in peace sample, and scratched his head off. It was awesome, MMM is the best DJ I've ever seen. The intro lasted for about 5 minutes, and after that he started "Intergalactic". Finally the Beasties came on stage, the moment we had been waiting for!

Adrock was dressed in wide jeans and a white t-shirt, and his hair was as if he went straight out of his bed. Mike D was wearing a very cool shirt with "ILL" on it. MCA was wearing a red shirt. I don't recall what was on it.

After they kicked off the show with "Intergalactic", they went "Pass the Mic" with in stead of the original music all kinds of ill beats by Mix Master Mike. That guy brings the Beasties shows to another dimension doing that, I love that.

Next up was "Triple Trouble", a new song with samples from Chic's "Good Times." A small sample was already revealed on the website the days before the gig, so we knew about what to expect. I like the song a lot. Adrock forgot his lyrics and made something up. I could tell that because he was laughing and signaling with his hands like "what the fuck am I saying?"

After that one, they performed "Posse in Effect." I did not expect that song because the setlists of the two gigs before were almost the same and this one was not on those lists.

We were so close up front that when one of the boys was dancing at the border of the stage, I had to watch out they wouldn't step on my fingers. Set went on with "Sure Shot" in the usual version and after that "That's It, That's All". Also this song was unexpected. I love the beats to this new song, damn I can't wait for the new album to come out. (Is it June 14 already?)

When the song was over they said that "someone here is from Russia." Of course they meant Romanpetr, who drove a million miles from Latvia just to see the boys. Much respect by the way, also for Mullethead who came from Austria.

Anyway, Adrock was funny again with remarks like "nothing against anyone who already lives here, but…." Then they started to argue about who would start off the next song. Time for "Skills to Pay the Bills." Again, Mix Master Mike mixed in all kind of beats, awesome. Also Public Enemy's "Rebel without a Pause" passed by. Then it was time for another time out. Mike D started rapping "When I'm in Holland I eat the pannekoeken" and they did some freestyling with it. Then "Shake Your Rump" busted in. In the breaks, Mike D went "Pannekoeken" again. The beat to Shake Your Rump was partly different from the original, MMM was playing with it again. After "Shake Your Rump," they did the latest new album track, "Ch-Check It Out." This was the best song of the night. The beats were the original. Then they said it was time for the last song already. They started kidding about the place would be turned into a laundromat after they had left, and people would be rolling in all kinds of washing machines. Funny shit again.

Next up was the song I was hoping to hear live since Mix Master Mike was there: "3 MC's and One DJ." Damn, that Mix Master is even better than I thought he was.

After the song, the Beasties and MMM left the stage. Of course, everybody knew they were getting back for one more song so the crowd was cheering and the Beasties got back on stage. The very last song they did was "So What'cha Want," again MMM cut in all kinds of dope beats.

When they left stage, I shouted to Yauch to give him my remix disc, but he did not hear me. Luckily Adrock saw me waving with the disc and came back to grab it. He said "thank you" in the mic, and my mission was complete. Mix Master Mike left the stage after them and filmed the crowd with his own handycam, probably for his grandchildren to show.

This Beastie gig was my first one, and I hope to see them more in the future. They'll probably be back for a tour later this year, and I will go and see them again for sure!