United States
Clarkston, MI
Pine Knob Music Theatre
Other Bands/Artists at the Show:
- Smashing Pumpkins
- George Clinton and the P-Funk All Stars
- The Breeders
- A Tribe Called Quest
- Boredoms
- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
- L7
- The Flaming Lips
- The Verve
- The Boo Radleys
- Guided by Voices
- Lambchop
- Girls Against Boys
- Rollerskate Skinny
- Palace Songs
- Stereolab
- Fu-Schnickens
- The Pharcyde
- Shudder to Think
- God Lives Underwater
- King Kong
- Charlie Hunter Trio
- Shonen Knife
- Blast Off Country Style
- Souls of Mischief
- Cypress Hill
- The Black Crowes
Aloha Mr Hand Tour
Lollapalooza Festival